GLOBAL COIN COMMUNITY HELP (GCCH) is a community of like-minded people all over the world who will help each other. It is an idea evolved to unite people to help each other financially in this unfair financial apocalypse. We believe that poverty is not lack of resources but lack of sharing and caring. We give you a basic platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to find those who need help, and those who are ready to Provide Help at no cost. We believe in participants helping each other to reach a common goal; FINANCIAL FREEDOM. This is a purely peer to peer system and though we guarantee that your help request will be granted, we however don’t give any time-frame of when it will be granted. We strategically aim to achieve sustainability by promoting country and local leadership worldwide. GCCH is purely a CRYPTO Trading platform. The Peer to Peer platform of GCCH is to help members to raise funds and invest in CRYPTO Currency where you can establish a las...